Bedroom Carpet Clean

Bedrooms get daily use and build up of odours, pet smells, damp, hair and makeup. Sometimes your children will spill drinks and food.

I offer a low-cost high-performance carpet lounge clean, in your home or business.

Your carpets will be vacuumed with a commercial machine agitating the dirt from the carpet.

The carpets are then pre-sprayed using safe chemicals to further help removal of germs and topsoil’s, ready for rinsing and extraction.

On inspecting the lounge carpet stains are then treated.

The likes of vomit, pen inks and other stains will be addressed and where possible removed.

I will recommend to you if any stain cannot be removed.

I use professional products that genuinely remove the stains.

My new range of products are fully approved and safe on all types of carpets including wool.